Under the auspices of the World Economic Forum, global policymakers are advocating for the creation of a New World Order via a globalist plot known as the Great Reset, a scheme not only connected to Joe Biden, but also to…
In an appearance last week at the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, former United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair renewed his push for a global digital vaccine tracking system. Blair emphasized the importance of “technology and…
You may or may not be aware of this, but Joe Biden signed an Executive Order earlier this year “encouraging” the Federal Reserve to “explore” implementing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that could ultimately lead to the creation of…
Much like the truckers in Canada who used their vehicles to protest the government’s COVID restrictions, farmers in the Netherlands are using tractors and other farm equipment to protest the Dutch government’s extreme climate policies — policies inspired by the…
With help from Joe Biden, the World Health Organization (WHO) is fast-tracking a global pandemic treaty that will give the U.N. the control it needs over the world’s population to create a New World Order. If you think the last…
Any doubts about the New World Order ambitions of the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) were recently eliminated when it was announced that UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres and Klaus Schwab had signed an agreement to…
When “moderate” Democrat Joe Biden released his $3.2 trillion tax plan during the 2020 primary season, he made a point of rejecting the “tax the rich” scheme being touted by one of his competitors for the nomination, Marxists Elizabeth Warren.…