When Donald Trump gave his first speech as president to a joint session of Congress in February last year, he was praised for his ability to sound presidential when reading a teleprompter, a talent that Barack Obama also possessed. In…
November 2017 is the 25th anniversary of the release of a letter by the Union of Concerned Scientists warning all mankind—or humankind for the gender-neutral crowd—to bring an end to “environmental destruction” in order to avoid the inevitability of “vast…
Following her race-baiting feminist performance on the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this year, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) was reprimanded for her treatment of Jeff Sessions during his confirmation hearing. And while she insisted that her behavior had nothing to do…
As a Constitutional conservative, I am frightened and saddened at the ignorance and/or indifference the average American seems to have when it comes to the Constitution and our God-given rights. Particularly troubling has been the willingness of the next generation…
When Seattle, Washington passed their $15-per-hour minimum wage law three years ago, socialist factions behind the move rejoiced while experts warned of serious repercussions, particularly to small business owners. In addition, warnings went out about how workers in industries big…
Since losing the Democrat nomination for president to Hillary’s bought-and-paid-for Super delegates, Bernie Sanders, the self-avowed socialist, atheist, and lover of communist dictators, reclaimed his label as an “Independent” and returned to the Senate Budget Committee as the top Democrat.…
So, what do you do when you’re a left-wing, tree-hugging, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, anti-free-speech liberal and science proves that your agenda is no longer supported by science? You hijack the word “science” and repackage it as a new movement designed to…