You may or may not be aware of this, but Joe Biden signed an Executive Order earlier this year “encouraging” the Federal Reserve to “explore” implementing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that could ultimately lead to the creation of…
The LGBT agenda has never been about so-called equality or civil rights. Instead, it’s been part of a culture war dedicated to the incremental and complete destruction of morality and faith along with the normalization of their deviant lifestyle as…
Biometric technology makes it easier for government to improve and expand mass surveillance capabilities of the population, but with digital currency added to the mix, an environment is created where economic power is routinely and covertly manipulated to the benefit…
The partnership between Big Government and the Federal Reserve has created an environment where economic policies are routinely and covertly manipulated to the benefit of the state, and the development of a Central Bank Digital Currency is no exception. Say…
When it comes to the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, the pro-LGBT changes Joe Biden made to Title IX stand to destroy the next generation in ways unimaginable only a few years ago. But for him to succeed, he…
In “honor” of the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the statute written to protect female students and school faculty from discrimination in education programs that receive federal financial assistance, Joe Biden proposed expanding it to promote the LGBT agenda and…
Barack Obama spent most of his time near the end of his presidency promoting the sexual abuse of children by exploiting the power of his office to force public schools into accepting transgender students as normal and mentally healthy, and…