Even as Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates are being thrown out by the courts, several departments within the government have been using them to collect the personal information of Christians who object to the taking the shot for religious reasons and…
Throughout the so-called pandemic, tyrants have claimed that their liberty-killing COVID policies are “evidence-based” even though they aren’t really evidence-based at all. There are hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of doctors and scientists around the world who have concluded that…
From the very beginning of COVID tyranny, the push for vaccine passports by governments around the world has been nothing but a backdoor way of using the so-called pandemic to build an Orwellian police state, and with recent revelations that…
Once considered little more than a conspiracy theory repeated by anti-vaxxers and people of faith who believe what the Bible says about the “end times,” microchip technology invented by Swedish startup company “Epicenter” is being presented as a way for…
Even though the liberty-killing actions taken by the executive branch at the state and national levels in response to COVID have been based on the belief that a “State of Emergency” declaration gives government the constitutional power to suspend our…
With COVID lockdowns and mandates rearing their ugly heads thanks to Omicron — just think, we still have the letters p-z to go — we are once again reminded that living in liberty requires the rejection of the politics of…
If I learned anything after working 25 years in the bowels of law enforcement as a corrections officer, I’ve learned to recognize a prison when I see one, and after two years of “two weeks to flatten the curve,” I’ve…