The drug crisis is no longer just about drugs

In this episode, I discuss the nexus between crime, the drug crisis, immigration, and terror financing. It’s a perspective on the drug crisis, crime, and incarceration that nobody else will explain or even recognize. I dismiss the typical debate over “the war on drugs” by identifying the true nature of what we face with drugs today.

This is not a cultural or health care debate; this is a national security and immigration issue. Once we understand the problem and the cause, it’s easy to understand why the jailbreak legislation is terrible.

I also give a broad perspective on why the soft-on-crime proposals are all built on lies across the board. Finally, I expose the duplicity of Sen. Chuck Grassley on crime and drugs – flipping from one end to another in a matter of a few months.



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Daniel Horowitz is a Senior Editor at Conservative Review, a Conservative writer, and a policy analyst focusing on the hot-button issues in Congress. He is the author of the book, Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop Unelected Judges from Transforming America.

Follow Daniel on Twitter: @RMConservative

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