The real reason to be outraged over the White House Correspondents’ Dinner

The annual love fest between the mostly liberal media and Washington elitists in government took place at the White House Correspondents’ dinner this past weekend, and for the second year in a row, Donald Trump chose not to attend.

Trump’s decision to duck an event where roasting the White House is a major part of the evening is easy to understand when you accept the fact that Trump’s fragile ego and his narcissistic need for unconditional praise literally drives his every decision. We need look no further for proof of this fact than Trump’s attendance at a previous WHCD when Obama was president where he roasted Trump over his conspiracy theories about Obama’s birth certificate. Clearly, Trump is unable to take a joke when he’s the butt of one.

Lately, however, the WHCD has become a display of how identity politics have completely polarized America, making it impossible to discuss issues or engage in friendly banter between opposing viewpoints. This tradition continued as witnessed in a performance by comedian Michelle Wolf that included vulgar jokes about abortion, homosexuality, and other controversial issues laced with an abundance of obscenities.

As you are probably aware, Wolf garnered the most criticism for taking a few shots at White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders and that Trump used those attacks to fuel his fake news spiel on twitter.

Besides his lame attempt to advance his “FAKE NEWS” agenda, Trump and his loyal minions are showing their hypocrisy by objecting to Wolf’s performance.

Donald Trump is a man with a long and distinguished history of offensive comments, mainly about women, made for political and personal reasons. Still, his followers defend this behavior, calling it evidence of a man who simply “tells it like it is” or as proof of his toughness, even though in reality, it’s a clinical display of the insecurities of a bully.

Trump’s claim that the WHCD is now “DEAD” is open for debate, but his claim that it was “a disaster” and “an embarrassment” is the epitome of irony when you consider his track record.

Perhaps the best analysis of the hypocrisy being displayed by those offended over Wolf’s performance comes from one of my favorite satire sites, The Babylon Bee, with a post titled Trump Supporters Upset Democrats are Telling Mean Jokes. You should check it out.

If Wolf’s comedy routine is an embarrassment to America, how much more embarrassing is it to our values when those same actions come from the President of the United States?



David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are also featured on, and

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