Trump’s Labor Day celebration: Attack labor, the rule of law, and the Constitution

While most of America spend the Labor Day weekend enjoying the company of friends and family with barbeques and other festivities, Donald Trump chose to spend his time doing what he loves to do . . . sending out Twitter rants attacking anyone he considers disloyal to his reign.

His Labor Day started out innocently enough after he praised himself for creating a world where “the American worker is doing better than ever before” thanks to his magnanimous leadership. A few hours later, after getting his morning intel from FOX News, Trump attacked unions and their leadership for “doing so poorly.”

Yep. Trump attacked labor . . . on Labor Day.

But that was nothing compared to his Labor Day attack against Jeff Sessions for upholding the rule of law. You read that correctly.

In a tweet considered by Judge Andrew Napolitano to be fodder for the Mueller investigation, Trump blasted Sessions for not protecting two GOP Congressmen: Reps. Duncan Hunter (CA) and Chris Collins (NY). The two men are Trump loyalists facing felony charges, but Trump is more concerned about their re-election chances than he is about justice.

Do you remember when Trump would bloviate during his 2016 campaign about how he would end corruption by draining the swamp?

Feeling well rested after passing up the opportunity to engage in his normal weekend routine of playing golf and pocketing millions of taxpayer dollars for Trump Properties, Trump was in prime Twitter form yesterday as he leveled another threat against his all-time favorite enemy, the so-called “Fake News” media.

As usual, Trump indicated his willingness to void the First Amendment to silence those he refers to as the enemy of the American people. This time the target was NBC.

Trump’s rant clearly demonstrates his threat to freedom of the press, but it also displays his ignorance of the law. You see, network news isn’t licensed in the US, and even if it were, there’s that darned First Amendment keeping him from shutting them down. At least, that’s the opinion of FCC Chair Ajit Pai the last time Trump issued this threat back in October 2017.

“The FCC does not have the authority to revoke a license of a broadcast station based on the content. The FCC under my leadership will stand for the First Amendment.

“On Twitter, for example, seemingly on a daily basis, people regularly demand that the FCC yank the licenses of MSNBC or Fox News or CNN or any other number of news outlets because they disagree with the opinions they may have seen on one of those cable news networks.

“Setting aside the fact that the FCC doesn’t license those cable channels — kind of an important technicality when one is thinking about these things — these demands are fundamentally at odds with America’s cultural and legal traditions.”

During the Obama presidency, Trump was a critic of Obama’s frequent golf outings and vacations.

Considering his criticism of Obama along with his claim that he would be too busy doing his job to take time off, Trump’s record-breaking time on the golf course — 25% of his days in office — is the epitome of hypocrisy.

But to be honest, I almost wish he had played golf this past weekend. At least then he would have only been picking my pocket instead of working to destroy the rule of law and my Constitutional rights.



David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are also featured on

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