US Government working with United Nations on plan for global control

United Nations UN digital ID us government

US Government working with United Nations on plan for global control

The United Nations’ Summit of the Future 2024 has revealed that the UN is working to advance a plan that gives them global control via digital IDs — a plan that already enjoys the full support of the US Government.

The United Nations has plans for digital IDs, global censorship, and mass surveillance (via

The United Nation’s Summit of the Future 2024 held ahead of this year’s UN General Assembly has revealed that the world organization is moving toward adding more initiatives to its existing, and upcoming, “power grab portfolio.”

This time it’s the Pact for the Future (with the Global Digital Compact as an annex), that has just been adopted.

The main component of this scheme is the “action-oriented outcome” document, the other being an international agreement, and the implementation of both, driven by the UN, is expected to start after the summit.

The summary of the purpose of two deals is to put a positive spin and push for immediate and as wide as possible adoption of such controversial policies as censorship (“disinformation” crackdown), surveillance, and the so-called digital public infrastructure (DPI) with digital IDs as its component.

There is also the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) – in itself an agenda endorsed by major countries that, among other things, looks to usher in digital IDs, as well as new tools, and justifications, for censorship. (Emphasis mine)

Unfortunately, one of the “major countries” helping the United Nations advance its goal of global control is the United States.

Earlier this year, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invited private businesses and organizations to join the US government in partnership to accelerate the creation and adoption of digital IDs for mobile devices. We are now witnessing a real sense of urgency among various governments to implement the adoption of digital IDs.

Nefarious globalists working in partnership with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have long planned on using something like digital IDs to launch the New World Order under “The Great Reset” — the primary objective being the creation of a global “technocracy” that requires the close cooperation between the heads of the digital industry and of governments.

The kind of governance envisioned by these global tyrants will combine strict societal control with the promise of comprehensive social justice, submitting the individual to the tyranny of a technocratic state. “The experts know better” will be the justification for such control.

Thanks to COVID, we learned what this global change will look like. Years of economic standstill destroyed the economic basis of millions of families. Government destroyed their livelihoods, then politicians showed up as the savior. The demand for social assistance was no longer limited to specific groups, instead, it became the need of the masses.

Sometimes this stuff sounds like a science-fiction movie and simply too crazy to believe, but the Great Reset and the creation of a New World Order are too real.

In a story I wrote near the beginning of COVID in September 2020, we learned of a plan launched by the United Kingdon to issue digital ID cards for British citizens in a bid to “transform” the British government’s use of data collected on its citizens. And in a speech given at the virtual CogX technology conference that year, former-Prime Minister Tony Blair said such a system would operate alongside track and trace programs:

“You can create a digital ID today that is much more easily protected so you can deal with a lot of the privacy and surveillance issues that worry people.

“It is a natural evolution of the way that we are going to use technology in any event to transact daily life and this Covid crisis gives an additional reason for doing that.

“I think people’s disease status – have they been tested, what is the result of that test, and have they had the disease, do they have the disease – unless you are able to record some of this data in a way people can use, it is going to be difficult to go back to anything like a near normal in things like transport.

“If you are going to start international travel again, how can you do that unless people can be easily tested and have some record of that test?

There has always been a good case for introducing some form of digital ID but I think that case is even more powerful today.” (Emphasis mine)

Blair acknowledged that digital ID card technology carried the risk of leaving behind people who would be uncomfortable with using it but said that could be addressed through training and education. “That digital divide between those that are familiar and can use the new technology well and those who can’t is obviously going to be a big source of difficulty.”

In a 2023 appearance at the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Blair renewed his push for a global digital ID to track vaccine compliance. Blair emphasized the importance of “technology and digital infrastructure” and the need to create a data collection system capable of tracking every person around the globe, and he called on the World Economic Forum, the World Trade Organization, and other global organizations to force the nations of the world to comply.

America has been working on a digital ID ever since Jared Kushner worked with Donald Trump — a man with his own connections to the WEF — to lay the foundation for creating what became known as a Patriot Act for healthcare, a plan to government/private sector partnerships to create a new “surveillance and data collection system” to be used to track coronavirus Americans.

Under the banner of so-called climate change, Joe Biden embraced the New World Order ambitions of the World Economic Forum. In an address to the Business Roundtable in March 2022, Biden called on America to lead in the creation of a “New World Order” to “unite the world.” And in one of his first appointments, Biden made John Kerry his “climate envoy,” a position used by the administration to team up with the WEF and use the climate change agenda to embrace the WEF.

Another organization helping advance digital IDs is the World Health Organization (WHO). Hidden within the WHO global pandemic treaty is a provision creating a global digital passport and ID system capable of giving the UN the tools it will need to track and control the entire world population.

When, not if, the US government makes digital IDs a reality, you can say good-bye to liberty and our national sovereignty and hello to the United Nations’ global control.


David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties. He is the author of The New Axis of Evil: Exposing the Bipartisan War on Liberty.

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