We’re all missing the 800-pound gorilla in the SCOTUS confirmation fight

What is the point of a Supreme Court confirmation hearing if we never learn anything about his constitutional thoughts but at the same time view the courts as the final say on the Constitution?

In this episode, we discuss why the hearings are a shame, why we have no guarantees Kavanaugh will be a Clarence Thomas, and why we are all missing the point about the role of the courts. We lay out in our history lesson why there is no way our founders intended to make the courts the final say on the Constitution.



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Daniel Horowitz is a Senior Editor at Conservative Review, a Conservative writer, and a policy analyst focusing on the hot-button issues in Congress. He is the author of the book, Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop Unelected Judges from Transforming America.

Follow Daniel on Twitter: @RMConservative

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